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Sunday, January 30, 2011

College Success: 15 Ways College May Demand More From You

University can be difficult for some students. There are at least 15 ways the university can expect more of you than high school ever did. You can do something about it!

Entering the College may ask for contingencies to basic education. In college, you're in transition, preparing for a different world, as well as a range of opportunities and expectations for themselves after graduation. Thus, even if you already have field of study. So to succeed in school, you should expect anything other than your high school experience can be shown to you. My measure is at least 15 significant differences.

Individual responsibility

You will be one in its own budget, time and money. Parents and school teachers and principals will not be kept within reasonable limits and boundaries. No one will force you to meet deadlines.

Think Ahead 

You'll expected to express your opinions in a logical and a sound basis, not just throw baseless statements. Make it a habit to do a thorough job before starting your machine to speak in the classroom or even in informal conversations.

You have more freedom and independence and be their own time and regulatory activities. When I study, what books to crack, and projects to do, will you. Waiting too long time to get their act together can be costly.

Big Pond - Small FishYou could be in big classes that meet for longer periods and less frequently. People in some dormitories might be larger than the host cities or colleges college some residents. You will be expected to adapt to the "big city" life.

No liability Holding The hand know the rules, regulations, procedures and expectations will be your one and only. Educational administrators and teachers, of course, write and distribute catalogs and lesson plans for students, but you are the ones to read and understand everything.

Protesting Heard You'll not expected to read and write more than you've ever done in your life in high school. Projects and activities (and their due dates) will be hell for you quickly. Complaining does not help, even if threateningyour for social and leisure calendar of events.

Intellectual Regulation

Critical thinking and constructive will be an integral part of the interaction at the university. Logical thinking and conscious discourse will require different tools you can find for your brain to run in than when you were dragging your high school classes.

Standing in its own

You can expect less feedback and to test more often and more complete. Ask and make sure you're on the right track if you are unsure. You can ride for parents trying to protect you like in high school, but it's still your game to play.

More resources

There will be more academic challenges. Because only one class, whereas you can have two manuals and books, and online resources, and other parts by hand on reading. Such load management, and more will be conscious planning.

Workplace Comparison Just as in the real world of work, your task should be in time and with quality. Slackers will not survive. Whining, finger-pointing and lame excuses are probably not on the list of response or an acceptable value.

Social and team skills of college gives you the opportunity to interact with people with different values, cultures, interests, religions and ways of working. And having everyone does their part will test your flexibility and adaptability.

Tolerance Tests Appreciating skills and perspectives of others remain healthy, until you realize that the smartest person or the best idea, not necessarily the next room or a place in the bedroom or even behind the podium. Carefully weighed in with new ideas.

Beyond Comfort Zones You might be surprised and even shocked. Intolerance and rigidity that seems to be the opposite of the free exchange of ideas you might have expected in the academic world would be exposed. How do you say may very well define your ability to survive and succeed.

Requires uncomfortable

Can you multi-task with changing priorities and deadlines varied? Are you mentally and functionally able to re-organize your list of tasks to comply with newly assigned projects? academic expectations may simply feel uncomfortable with your conflicting wishes.

Getting out of Yourself 

Part outside their academic and work environment should include off-campus involved with the community through internships and external internships, volunteer work and socializing at school and work after school in their major field of study.

Big Question

 Basically, college is all about brain training, expand your consciousness and your skills and become more mature intellectually, socially and professionally. It is positive to distinguish themselves from everyone in your career plan. When you're in college, you indicate that you want to change. And you indicated that you want to help plan a different future for you that you are able to do on your own. That's the big difference. You see, the college will not prepare you for a job or career. Not at all. But will they help men and women who want to prepare for a job or career.

Great response

Think about it. What will you do with your time college? What are your dreams, expectations and objectives? What do you expect to have been made before the end of his time in college and have attended and completed a series of courses? And if you need help with a job well done, to meet these expectations that go? The answers to these questions will be the plan to design and execute itself. This is their education and training. Nobody can do for you.