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Monday, January 31, 2011

Are High Schools Failing Their Students?


Win a guarantee that a diploma high school diploma is ready to work and school? It is suitable for very practical reasons. The conditions for admission to colleges has increased. Employers expect more. Students must be able to communicate effectively, think critically, analyze and interpret data and evaluate a variety of materials. Sixty-seven percent of new jobs in the market today require continuing education (Achieve Inc., 2006).

Despite these requirements, many high school graduates adequately prepared to continue their education or the workforce. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), at least 28 per cent of students entering four-year public colleges in fall 2000 were required to take special education when they started, especially in mathematics and languages, as did 42 percent of those admitted in two years of public colleges (NCES, 2004). Employers have also noticed that many recent high school graduates lack the basic reading, writing and math skills they need to function at work and to provide remedial classes to solve this problem costs employers millions of dollars each year (American Diploma Project [ADP], 2004).

Growing concern about the academic skills of high school graduates has placed education reform at the forefront of the political agenda of education. Critics have begun to question the degree of academic rigor at the colleges of our country, and many states and school districts are seeking ways to solve this problem. This month explores the issue of academic rigor and highlights the ongoing efforts to challenge and support students.

A rigorous curriculum, all

It is no secret that a challenging program has a positive impact on students after high school. The study was published in the SU Ministry of Education (Adelman, 1999), for example, stated that "the academic intensity and quality of the studies the student was a much stronger predictor of graduation in order to obtain class rank, average or test scores. And this effect is "worse" for the African-American and Latino students than any other group. A rigorous program of study also provides the skills to work more and more potential employees. Extensive research into the ETS said 84 percent of highly paid professionals and 61 percent "well-paid, white collar, professionals had taken Algebra II or higher mathematics courses at only 30 percent of low to moderately skilled and low-income workers had done (ADP, 2004). These results are strongly supported by schools nationally to offer to all students, not just enrolled in "college prep" with an ambitious academic program.

What looks like a rigorous curriculum?
A collaborative effort of Achieve Inc., The Education Foundation and B. Thomas Fordham Foundation, the American Diploma Project (ADP) was established to investigate reform programs in secondary schools. In 2004, he published Ready or Not: Creating a high school diploma that counts, it describes in explicit terms "in English and mathematics [skills] that graduates must master at the time of leaving secondary school if they expect to succeed in

post-secondary education or high performance, high-growth jobs "(p. 10). The EPA concluded that the requirements of a rigorous curriculum than four years of math, not only algebra and geometry, but also data analysis and statistics and four years of English, including courses on "language, communication, writing, research, logic, informational text, media and literature" (p. 22). It is recommended that school districts establish high levels of study in line with state standards and required courses for the first year of entering colleges and universities within their states.

Both Texas and Indiana have played a leading role in implementing this strategy of reform of the curriculum. Texas Recommended High School Program has aligned its curriculum with the criteria recommended by the EPA (Texas Education Agency, nd). Indiana Core 40 Curriculum (Indiana Department of Education, 2006) is a product of Indiana's Education Committee Roundtable, whose members include leaders in K-16 education, business, community, government and parent organizations . This common core requires school graduates take four years of English courses, including literature, composition, and communication, and at least three years of math, including Algebra I, II, Algebra, and Geometry. And articulation of a high level, Indiana's Education Roundtable (2003) emphasizes the equally important need to align standards, curricula, and assessments of the entire state education system, from primary to higher education.

Both Texas and Indiana require students who wish to withdraw from these programs and placed in a general education program for approval of a guardian and / or school counselor.