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Sunday, January 30, 2011

College Success: 10 Common Reasons Why Students Don't Graduate

College Success: There is not much mystery to a high school diploma. There are 10 common causes and 10 ways to help ensure that does not happen.

Did you know that over 25% or more first-year college graduates ever? A quarter! Why? There is no mystery about it. The academic reasons are not secret. What is more surprising is that some college students seem to learn from those who fought and failed before them. It is repeated year after year.

Yes, some drop out for financial, health and family reasons. Some are homesick or have conflicts with work. Most, however, leave for very similar reasons.

Many years of college and university students, here are 10 of the most common reasons I've seen, why students do not go through years of their first year, 10 permanent indicators how you can give it your best effort you Not one of dropouts.


College Success: Study SkillsHow to read a manual. Take notes in class. How to understand what directors really want. What kind of learner you are and how to learn in spite of it. Do not wait for your review of the first failure. Get help early. Attend student events successful. Develop study skills for a day.

College Success Reason 2: 

Management SkillsLack time and project management skills can kill the best intentions of the student. Hope to time, make a plan and then cultivate it, all practices. Whenever you enter a classroom or online journal in a class, your changing business priorities. Then your plan must be adjusted. We need a society of students' skills do not possess. Create your profile!

College Success Reason 3: 

Requirements for Self-DisciplineThe for college means making choices that put universities first day. This means more opportunities to make a second or third. It takes almost unwavering focus on academic goals and career, particularly students and those with part-time jobs to full time. Not unless you do best.

College Success Reason 4

Freedom-being able to properly handle college life freedom is a major reason for lack candidate. Daily, there may be disturbances and temptations are not related to expectations in the classroom and professional goals. Online and face-to-face socialization is often the path to academic success. There may be an endless stream of invitations to do something, but the study and prudent course requirements. wrong choice can be an epidemic among students.

The reason for the success of the School 5: Priorities

Some students think that their time at school undergraduate is an interlude between life before and after college. Somehow, this time is not related to real-world requirements for success. Between the two, it is to party and pleasure. Professionally, it will not work.

College Success Reason # 6: 

DetachedFailure to attend school regularly is a murderer of disconnection from reality university. For example, some students really believe in the dream is more important than attending a conference session or laboratory. They think they can catch up with someone else's notes. It is not realistic. What is the role of "participants" the university, do you think are not?

The reason for the success of the School 7: Support

Too much freedom, too much fear or a misunderstanding of what is "smart" does for some students, it is not seeking help early enough to make a positive difference in their academic performance. In the first weeks of a course, it is wise to identify partners in the study, counseling, or simply ask the instructors for clarification of a better understanding of course material.

The reason for the success of the School 8: Investment

Lack of time and effort devoted to the study, may be part of the misconception that the college is like high school. It is not, and some students are shocked by this difference. Put before academic expectations of socialization or any other, is crucial.

Reason for success of the College 9: Liability

Take personal responsibility for your education is an important requirement as the basis for the success of the college. Learn more directors, knowing the time of the class expectations, understanding and setting goals and planning and implementation are just some of what is fundamental in your college life. Nobody can do for you.

The reason for the success of School 10: Motivation

There just is not enough motivation for some students to succeed, not just for the purpose and direction is not enough. Perhaps this comes from being in college only to meet the expectations of someone else. Without it, the challenges can be avoided academic grind. It seems as soon as possible.

College Success: Think About It
On learning, study and test successfully taken are not made by a kind of natural osmosis, ie be on campus, sitting in a classroom with a book in your bag backpack or the trunk of your car does not equal the success of the college. Paying tuition does not mean that the review is automatic. It is not a right. It takes all commitment, every day, day after day.

The study skills, self-management skills and project management can be improved with training and practice. The motivation must come from your head and your audience. All other reasons not to do in college can be summarized in few words: motivation, maturity and attitude. What about yours?