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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Top 15 Best Colleges in U.S.

Harvard once again tops U.S. News' best colleges rankings.

This year, Harvard University alone again for the top spot in USNews & World Report Best Colleges 2011 ranking universities. Last year, Harvard and Princeton University tied for first, but fell to Princeton in 2011 according to the rankings of these major research institutions. Williams College can boast once again that it is the nation's top-ranked national arts schools college class place greater emphasis on basic education, the man was put in front of the school of arts at Amherst College in Massachusetts for the second year row.

This is the year that the U.S. 27 News has published the rankings of universities. Although schools rated highly successful gathering, sorting does not occur simply for the sake of students who are considering attending institutions such as Harvard and Williams. U.S. News using their data network on universities to provide students of diverse academic and socio-economic. A list of the best schools for student B, the ranking of historically black colleges and universities as well as the ranking of national universities more diverse. And if the worst financial crisis seems to have passed, and finds a value in the world of higher education becoming more expensive is still one of the largest - if not the most important factors in choosing a school. To meet this need, U.S.

News has compiled lists best value for national universities and national liberal arts colleges, which ranks schools based on the average cost to participants - grants based on need to take into account - compared to their academic standing

National universities and national liberal arts colleges do lists are just two of many locations that are part of the review U.S. News' Best Colleges. Regional colleges and universities, which tend to draw much of their region and tend to have sparse doctoral programs offered are ordered separately. Villanova University, Rollins College, Creighton University, and Trinity University is ranked first among regional universities - schools that offer master's degrees and was classified as "universities master" in the past - in the North, South, Midwest and West, respectively. The senior regional colleges - schools that offer undergraduate studies and were classified as "Baccalaureate Colleges" in the previous rankings - is the United States Coast Guard Academy in the north, Ouachita Baptist University, South Taylor University in the Midwest and the United States Air Force Academy west.

Although the system of public education in California is plagued by economic uncertainty and budget cuts, schools from the two states are ranked in the top national public universities. University of California, Berkeley, who is ranked 22 among national universities, is the tip of the head a public school, after which the University of California, Los Angeles. Among the top five groups: University of Virginia, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

While the top ranked schools deserve praise for their excellent academic standards, should not have all the credit. U.S. News asked the name of the college administrators in schools in which they believe has made a marked improvement in academics and campus facilities. Based on the results, the top U.S. News "Up and comers" in several categories. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, was chosen to be the fastest improvement of the national universities and Hendrix College has received top billing National Liberal Arts universities. Promising the best regional universities in Wagner College in Elon University in North-South Butler University in Abilene Christian University in the Midwest and West.

1. Harvard University

City: Cambridge, MA
Total Enrollment: 19,411
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $38,416
Application Deadline: 1/1

2. Princeton University
City: Princeton, NJ
Total Enrollment: 7,592
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $36,640
Application Deadline: 1/1
3. Yale University
City: New Haven, CT
Total Enrollment: 11,593
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $38,300
Application Deadline: 12/31

4. Columbia University

City: New York, NY
Total Enrollment: 24,230
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $43,304
Application Deadline: 1/1

5. Stanford University (tie)
City: Stanford, CA
Total Enrollment: 18,498
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $39,201
Application Deadline: 1/1

6. University of Pennsylvania (tie)
City: Philadelphia, PA
Total Enrollment: 19,311
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $40,514
Application Deadline: 1/1

7. California Institute of Technology (tie)
City: Pasadena, CA
Total Enrollment: 2,130
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $36,282
Application Deadline: 1/1

8. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (tie)
City: Cambridge, MA
Total Enrollment: 10,384
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $39,212
Application Deadline: 1/1

9. Dartmouth College (tie)
City: Hanover, NH
Total Enrollment: 5,987
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $40,437
Application Deadline: 1/1

10. Duke University (tie)
City: Durham, NC
Total Enrollment: 14,350
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $40,472
Application Deadline: 1/2

11. University of Chicago (tie)
City: Chicago, IL
Total Enrollment: 12,332
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $41,091
Application Deadline: 1/2

12. Northwestern University
City: Evanston, IL
Total Enrollment: 18,834
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $40,247
Application Deadline: 1/1

13. Johns Hopkins University (tie)
City: Baltimore, MD
Total Enrollment: 20,483
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $40,680
Application Deadline: 1/1

14. Washington University in St. Louis (tie)
City: St. Louis, MO
Total Enrollment: 13,575
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $40,374
Application Deadline: 1/15

15. Brown University (tie)
City: Providence, RI
Total Enrollment: 8,574
2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $40,820
Application Deadline: 1/1